Accommodation Services
We assist providing accommodation services according to the requirement of students and visitors

Airport Pickup Services
Airport Assistance pioneered the airport meet and greet service more than 30 years ago. Since then, Airport Assistance has been providing top quality, personalized meet and greet service to celebrities, high profile clients and corporations worldwide. Our clients are met curb side at the airport by our professional representatives and escorted through all procedures at the airport, in an expedited fashion.
Pre Departure and After Arrival Support
Nervous before traveling?
When you are finally ready to take off to a great new adventure, we understand the little daunting and we are here to support you all the way.
To help you prepare for what to expect when arriving at your destination as we host a number of pre-departure sessions weekly.
Our sessions will help you to understand how to navigate personal and cultural opportunities while you’re studying abroad.
What to Take with You?
With experience of current student studying and knowing their practice, we recommend new traveling student how to become organized while packing and how it will save a lot of time and hassle in new country.
What happens when you land in the new host city, now what? Our session will guide you about the immigration checks, customs control and how to reach campus conveniently.
Banking and Money
As soon as you arrive in a new country, bank account is a must to do thing. Having a local bank account will ensure easy access to your money to pay for accommodation, tuition fees and other living expenses. It will also allow your employer to deposit remuneration into your account if chosen to work during or post studies. Our session will guide you the required documents for opening up a new account in your new country.
Adjusting into the new culture
It’s better to know about the culture you start socializing and adjusting with local customs before arriving at your study country. Such information will easy your transition into the community and help you interact with new classmates more effectively. Our counsel will guide you all about the culture, life as a local and even some idiomatic terms that’ll come handy.
Student life
Our sessions will brief you about different learning styles and what to expect from the classroom environments.
Culture Adjustment
Culture surprise is common when students move to a completely different culture than owns. In our session we discuss the various stages that student might face (honeymoon, frustration, adjustment and acceptance). Our counselors would also guide with some simple techniques on to undergoing culture shock and how to deal with it.
Working while you study
Our team will discuss on how to stay within the rules of student visa and give some tips on finding a good student job. Part-time jobs help complemen study and living experience.
Dealing with homesickness
It understandable on how hard it is to stay away from home, but our pre departure sessions help you with some tips on how to deal with the feeling of homesickness.
Network Advise
You will also have the opportunity to ask questions from our alumni and network with current and future students at your study destination.
Ready to get started? Book a FREE appointment to discuss your study Destination.